Windows Server 2019 Datacenter


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Windows Server 2019 Datacenter - DISCOUT 20% WITH CODE VN20

Aanbieding ID: 10407476
Editie: 1 Device
Regio: Globaal
Platform: Microsoft
Garantie: 7 dagen
Geleverd: Direct
Voorraad: 2
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1 = $8.88
Totaal: $ 888
Code gekopieerd! Krijg korting
Code: VN20
Korting: -20%

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Activering kan vanuit elk land worden gedaan

You will receive 1x Windows Server 2019 Datacenter Retail key 

Server Evaluation copies have to be converted into Retail before you activate with these keys.

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Aanbieding ID: 10507769
Editie: 1 Device
Regio: Globaal
Platform: Microsoft
Garantie: 180 dagen
Geleverd: Direct
Voorraad: 16
Uw product is beschikbaar om te downloaden nadat de transactie is voltooid. Blijf op de pagina «Bestellingen», het downloadpictogram voor uw product is binnen 3-5 minuten beschikbaar.
1 = $9.00
Totaal: $ 900
Details tonen

Activering kan vanuit elk land worden gedaan

Activation can be done from any country

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trusted Betrouwbaar

Windows Server 2019 Datacenter, 1PC , GLOBAL ACTIVATION,ONLINE KEY

Aanbieding ID: 7783260
Editie: Lifetime /1 Devices
Regio: Globaal
Platform: Microsoft
Garantie: 180 dagen
Geleverd: Direct
Voorraad: 28
Uw product is beschikbaar om te downloaden nadat de transactie is voltooid. Blijf op de pagina «Bestellingen», het downloadpictogram voor uw product is binnen 3-5 minuten beschikbaar.
1 = $9.09
Totaal: $ 909
Code gekopieerd! Krijg korting
Code: XFD20
Korting: -20%

Gebruik deze couponcode om korting te krijgen

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Activering kan vanuit elk land worden gedaan

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Buy Cheap Windows Server 2019 Datacenter at Wyrel

Windows Server 2019 Datacenter is the most popular operating system, and its major software product Microsoft's office suite has become for working with documents. The official price for these products has always been high the intellectual work is not cheap, that is why many Microsoft OC. Users are willing to save money, and at the same time to buy a licensed version of Microsoft Windows 10 Pro with a cheap Microsoft Key on PC. CD keys are 100% legit if you use an official marketplace.

Windows Server 2019 Datacenter

The Windows Server Datacenter edition offers the widest range of capabilities and features without a large number of licensing limitations. It allows you to use an unlimited number of virtual machines, with 1 Hyper-V host for each license.

This edition is suitable for businesses demanding advances storage and virtualization, and who have more demanding Information technology needs. It allows you to use all types of containers and does not set any limit to the number of containers that you can use.

The Datacenter edition is equipped with unique product features. One of them is the Host Guardian Hyper-V Support. This enables you to run a trusted software and manage the keys required to start up shielded virtual machines. This also ensures that the enterprise or hosting company is aware of the Hyper-V hosts.


Wyrel is your go-to place for any software

Windows Server 2019 Datacenter deserves attention if you currently use the older version. This edition introduced numerous changes in the users interface, apps, online services, functionality, and security. While its on sale on Wyrel, the price tag seems very appealing. Moreover, the company offers excellent services and free customer support. Managers will guide you through the installation process if needed, too.