Buy Cheap Windows Server 2022 on Wyrel


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WINDOWS SERVER 2022, Online Retail Key

Aanbieding ID: 8348700
Editie: Standard
Regio: Globaal
Platform: Official website
Garantie: 180 dagen
Geleverd: Direct
Voorraad: 25
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1 = $8.55
Totaal: $ 855
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Aanbieding ID: 10507972
Editie: 1 Device
Regio: Globaal
Platform: Microsoft
Garantie: 180 dagen
Geleverd: Direct
Voorraad: 11
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1 = $10.47
Totaal: $ 1047
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Windows Server 2022 is a great choice for facilitating corporate work, buy at a promotion

Verschijningsdatum:Mar 2, 2021

Buy Cheap Windows Server 2022 on Wyrel


Windows Server 2022 - a modern solution for your business

An excellent server operating system from Microsoft has a multi-level security system. In this version, users also note a number of improvements. For example, more opportunities to work with cloud services, in particular, with Microsoft Azure. There are also a number of significant improvements in working with ASP.NET, NET, IIS.

With the help of this program, you can carry out all the necessary business - activities and solve the tasks. We draw your attention to the SQL Server relational database management system, to multi-level protection against the numerous threats based on a secure server core. The Windows Server 2022 solution is well compatible with Azure Arc, and there is also improved OS compatibility with Windows containers, and so on. In general, this year's Windows Server will delight users with all sorts of improvements.

 This operating system perfectly provides data processing and hybrid cloud, allowing you to reach a new level of data security with advanced Secured-core technology. Leverage cutting-edge innovation to your advantage. The innovative solution supports up to 48 TB of RAM, which is enough for business tasks. Facilitate corporate activities through the use of modern technologies. Give preference to proven solutions.  


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