Buy Adena for Lineage 2 Essence (EU) with cheap price at Wyrel


Lineage 2 Essence (EU)

Aanbiedings-ID: 10376920
Server: Sienna
Fractie: n.v.t.
MIN. HOEVEELHEID: 100 Miljoen Adena
Leveringsmethode: Andere

Verschilt van standaardmethoden en vereist aanvullende uitleg van de verkoper voordat u een bestelling plaatst.

, Game Mail

De levering van gamevaluta wordt uitgevoerd via in-game mail.

, Oog in oog

De overdracht van spelvaluta door handel tussen spelers in het spel zelf.

Levertijd: Offline uur 2
10,400 Miljoen Adena beschikbaar
1 Miljoen Adena = $0.0142
Miljoen Adena
Totaal: $ 142

Lineage 2 Essence (EU)

Aanbiedings-ID: 10376921
Server: Sienna
Fractie: n.v.t.
MIN. HOEVEELHEID: 100 Miljoen Adena
Leveringsmethode: Andere

Verschilt van standaardmethoden en vereist aanvullende uitleg van de verkoper voordat u een bestelling plaatst.

, Game Mail

De levering van gamevaluta wordt uitgevoerd via in-game mail.

, Oog in oog

De overdracht van spelvaluta door handel tussen spelers in het spel zelf.

Levertijd: Offline uur 2
10,400 Miljoen Adena beschikbaar
1 Miljoen Adena = $0.0150
Miljoen Adena
Totaal: $ 150
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Wyrel cuts the price for Lineage 2 Essence EU Adena, accounts and items

Spelservers en -fracties:Lineage 2 Essence (EU)
Eenheden:1 Miljoen
In-game valuta:Adena

The best online price for Lineage 2 Essence Adena, Accounts and Items.

Lineage 2 Essence on PC is a totally new version of the popular game, that drastically changed from everything that you have already experienced in Lineage 2 series. However, it has more common features with the previous installments, which you might have thought. The official EU servers of Lineage II Essence allow people to save time because there is less grinding than in the classic MMORPG.

The autobattle modes have been levelled up as well – it is easier to achieve the desired level, though you still will need hours of farming the items to be powerful. Also, it became easier to get the profession that you like. You may also buy boosters for Lineage 2 Essence on PC via the official store. The other way to explore the gameplay in this game is to purchase the hand-levelled Lineage 2 Essence accounts.


Wyrel cuts the price for Lineage 2 Essence EU Adena, accounts and items!

If you have never heard about Wyrel, hurry up to become a registered user because we offer hundreds of deals for in-game content. For instance, you may get the discount for any Lineage 2 Essence account on PC. The greatest thing is that you can launch the bought account and Adena for L2E on EU servers though there are no official servers yet in this region.

Wyrel is ready to discount your cart’s items if you become the Loyal Program user. Purchase Adena for Lineage II Essence on the most favorable terms immediately after the launch!