Mass Effect (Xbox Series X)


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Mass Effect (Legendary Edition) (Xbox One / Xbox Series XS) (EU)

Aanbieding ID: 10612860
Editie: Legendary Edition
Regio: Europa
Platform: Xbox Live
Garantie: 30 dagen
Geleverd: Direct
Voorraad: 78
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1 = $9.30
Totaal: $ 930
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Verschijningsdatum:Oct 22, 2021
Uitgever:BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Europe
Ontwikkelaar:Supermassive Games

Buy Cheap Mass Effect (Xbox Series X) on Wyrel

Prepare for an epic interstellar adventure in the legendary first game in the Mass Effect series. Step into the role of a legendary commander, leading your interstellar ship through the vast reaches of the galaxy. This action-packed adventure game has captured the hearts of millions worldwide with its captivating story and immersive gameplay. 

As the commander, you will undertake various missions in different corners of the galaxy, facing hazardous aliens and navigating intricate political landscapes. The fate of civilizations rests in your hands as you battle against formidable enemies to save the galaxy from imminent destruction.


Discover the Depths of the Galaxy at a Bargain Price

Mass Effect allows you to shape the story, making impactful decisions that influence the game's outcome. Customize your character, develop their skills, and forge relationships with diverse characters. Engage in deep tactical combat, utilizing advanced weaponry and biotic abilities to overcome challenging encounters.

By acquiring the key to this captivating game through our Wyrel marketplace, you can enjoy a discount and immerse yourself in the rich and expansive world of Mass Effect. Embark on a journey with memorable characters, gripping storytelling, and thrilling gameplay.


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