DIRT 5 - Power Your Memes Pack (DLC)


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DIRT 5 - Power Your Memes Pack (DLC) (Xbox One / Xbox Series X|S)

Aanbieding ID: 10448548
Editie: Standard
Regio: Globaal
Platform: Xbox Live
Garantie: 30 dagen
Geleverd: Direct
Voorraad: 184
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1 = $0.38
Totaal: $ 038
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Verschijningsdatum:May 25, 2021

Buy Cheap DIRT 5 - Power Your Memes Pack (DLC) on Wyrel

Prepare for an exciting and unconventional expansion to the fast-paced universe of DIRT 5 with the "Power Your Memes Pack." This audacious and exhilarating off-road racing game is about to become even more enjoyable as it welcomes the notorious refrigerator into its custom arena creator mode.

In DIRT 5, the refrigerator isn't your typical kitchen appliance; it transforms into a versatile and exhilarating component that you can integrate into your designs. Whether crafting a racetrack, constructing an obstacle course, or orchestrating a daring stunt, the fridge is your canvas. You can employ it as a distinctive landmark along the track, an obstacle to navigate skillfully, a massive prop to soar over, or to unleash your imagination and utilize it in any way you envision.


Enjoy All-New Racing Possibilities at a Bargain Price

Alongside the refrigerator, this pack comes with three exclusive liveries, allowing you to personalize your vehicles and make a bold statement while conquering rugged off-road landscapes.

At Wyrel marketplace, we're thrilled to offer this unique and entertaining add-on at a bargain price, ensuring you can expand your DIRT 5 experience and embrace the unexpected with the "Power Your Memes Pack." Take the chance to enjoy our affordable gaming deals and add a touch of humor and creativity to your off-road adventures today!


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