Diablo II Resurrected Prime Evil Collection (Xbox Series X)


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Diablo Prime Evil Collection (Xbox Series X/S) - Xbox Live Key - EUROPE

Aanbieding ID: 10695279
Editie: Standard
Regio: Europa
Platform: Xbox Live
Garantie: 30 dagen
Geleverd: 30 minuten
Voorraad: 22
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1 = $23.79
Totaal: $ 2379
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Verschijningsdatum:Sep 23, 2021
Uitgever:Activision Blizzard Int'l BV
Ontwikkelaar:Activision Blizzard Int'l BV

Buy Cheap Diablo II Resurrected Prime Evil Collection (Xbox Series X) on Wyrel

Prepare to embark on an unforgettable journey with Diablo II Resurrected, the definitive remastering of the iconic game and its immersive expansion. Immerse yourself in a visually stunning and sonically enhanced experience that captivates new and returning players. Whether you go solo or join forces with friends in multiplayer, Diablo II Resurrected offers a compelling story and diverse character classes to create your legendary hero.


Return to the Familiar World at a Bargain Price

With the Diablo II Resurrected Prime Evil Collection, you'll gain access to the remastered Diablo II, the highly acclaimed third installment in the series, and two captivating DLCs. This comprehensive collection provides excellent content and endless hours of thrilling gameplay.

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