Borderlands 3 (Xbox Series X)


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Borderlands 3 (Next Level Edition) (Xbox One / Xbox Series X|S)

Aanbieding ID: 10448183
Editie: Next Level
Regio: Globaal
Platform: Xbox Live
Garantie: 30 dagen
Geleverd: Direct
Voorraad: 19
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1 = $20.22
Totaal: $ 2022
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Verschijningsdatum:Sep 13, 2019
Ontwikkelaar:Gearbox Software

Buy Cheap Borderlands 3 (Xbox Series X) at Wyrel

Buy Borderlands 3 (Xbox Series X) and explore the vast expanses of space. Borderlands 3 (Xbox Series X) is always on sale at Wyrel.Explore a new corner of the galaxy with unique areas of screaming luxury.


Borderlands 3 (Xbox Series X) brief review

Borderlands 3 (Xbox Series X) is a role-playing action-adventure shooter and the first game in the series in which players visit new planets, where they will find new friends and enemies. Collect more and better loot and weapons with four heroes united to fight chaos and defeat a common threat.


Game plot and mechanics

The story is a direct sequel to the second part. It focuses on the confrontation between the heroes (Amara, Zane, Mose and FL4K) and the Calypso twins, the ruthless leaders of the most dangerous cult in the galaxy. Borderlands 3 (Xbox Series X) will support 4K resolution at 60 fps. The PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X / S versions will also receive split-screen modes for three and four players.


Where to purchase the game

You can always buy it at Wyrel. Our site has a secure payment system,smart price and plenty of bonuses as well as a discount on any items. Sign up and get free customer support 24/7.

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