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Borderlands 3 (PC)

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유저 온라인

주문의 7536 성공률 87.44%
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Borderlands 3 (Steam)

제안 ID: 2605952
판: Standard
지방: 글로벌
플랫폼: Steam
보증: 30 일
배달: 순간적
재고: 50
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상품을 다운로드할 수 있습니다. 구매가 끝날 때. 계속 주문 페이지, 3-5분 이내에 제품 다운로드 아이콘을 사용할 수 있습니다.
1 = $6.01
총수: $ 601
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유저 오프라인

주문의 59 성공률 61.46%
trusted 신뢰한

Borderlands 3 Standard Edition Epic Games Key EUROPE

제안 ID: 10689604
판: Standard
지방: 유럽
플랫폼: Epic Games
보증: 30 일
배달: 30 분
재고: 33
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1 = $6.27
총수: $ 627
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활성화는 유럽 지방에서 실행할 수 있습니다

유저 온라인

주문의 7536 성공률 87.44%
trusted 신뢰한

Borderlands 3 (Epic) (EU)

제안 ID: 2465179
판: Standard
지방: 유럽
플랫폼: Epic Games
보증: 30 일
배달: 순간적
재고: 33
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1 = $6.32
총수: $ 632
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주문의 7536 성공률 87.44%
trusted 신뢰한

Borderlands 3 (EMEA)

제안 ID: 7739150
판: Standard
지방: EMEA
플랫폼: Steam
보증: 30 일
배달: 순간적
재고: 18
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1 = $6.73
총수: $ 673
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활성화는 EMEA 지방에서 실행할 수 있습니다

유저 온라인

주문의 5303 성공률 95.43%
trusted 신뢰한

Borderlands 3 | Standard Edition (PC) - Steam Key - Latin America

제안 ID: 2494174
판: Standard
지방: 남아메리카
플랫폼: Steam
보증: 30 일
배달: 순간적
재고: 67
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1 = $8.40
총수: $ 840
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LATAM 키는 아래 나열된 국가에서 이 코드를 활성화할 수 있음을 의미합니다: 앤티가 바부다, 아르헨티나, 바베이도스, 버뮤다, 볼리비아, 브라질, 바하마, 벨리즈, 칠레, 콜롬비아, 코스타리카, 쿠바, 도미니카 공화국, 도미니카 공화국, 도미니카 공화국, 에콰도르, 포클랜드 제도 (말비나스), 그레나다, 프랑스령 기아나, 남조지아와 남샌드위치 제도, 과테말라, 가이아나, 온두라스, 아이티, 자메이카, 세인트 키츠 네비스, 세인트 루시아, 멕시코, 니카라과, 파나마, 페루, 푸에르토리코, 파라과이, 수리남, 엘살바도르, 우루과이, 세인트 빈센트 그레나딘, 베네수엘라. 새로운 스팀 계정을 등록하는 것이 좋습니다(대부분의 게임이 매우 저렴하기 때문에 아르헨티나가 가장 좋습니다). 아르헨티나 스팀 계정을 등록하는 방법은 구글에서 찾을 수 있습니다. (키를 활성화할 수 있는지 여부는 스팀 지갑 지역에 따라 다릅니다. 그러나 기존 스팀 계정의 지갑 지역을 변경하지 않는 것이 좋습니다. 이는 스팀 규정을 위반하기 때문입니다.)

유저 온라인

주문의 5303 성공률 95.43%
trusted 신뢰한

Borderlands 3 | Standard Edition - Steam Key - EUROPE

제안 ID: 2475430
판: Standard
지방: 유럽
플랫폼: Steam
보증: 30 일
배달: 순간적
재고: 10342
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상품을 다운로드할 수 있습니다. 구매가 끝날 때. 계속 주문 페이지, 3-5분 이내에 제품 다운로드 아이콘을 사용할 수 있습니다.
1 = $8.40
총수: $ 840
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활성화는 유럽 지방에서 실행할 수 있습니다

유저 온라인

주문의 5303 성공률 95.43%
trusted 신뢰한

Borderlands 3 | Standard Edition (PC) - Steam Key - GLOBAL

제안 ID: 2474086
판: Standard
지방: 글로벌
플랫폼: Steam
보증: 30 일
배달: 순간적
재고: 11839
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1 = $8.51
총수: $ 851
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유저 온라인

주문의 5303 성공률 95.43%
trusted 신뢰한

Borderlands 3 Standard Edition Epic Games Key EUROPE

제안 ID: 2463086
판: Standard
지방: 유럽
플랫폼: Epic Games
보증: 30 일
배달: 순간적
재고: 205
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1 = $9.58
총수: $ 958
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활성화는 유럽 지방에서 실행할 수 있습니다

Borderlands 3 is a co-op first-person shooter game developed by Gearbox Software and published by 2K Games. It is the sequel of Borderlands 2 and the fourth installment in the Borderlands series.

The game focuses on exploring open world environments of the titular Borderlands and killing enemies with an array of weapons. The game puts great emphasis on looting fallen adversaries and boxes scattered around the map for new tools of destruction, as well as gaining experience points and leveling up one of four playable characters with unique skill sets.


Borderlands 3 (PC)follows the innovative gameplay style introduced in previous installments of the series. The primary focus of the game is finding increasingly powerful weapons, completing missions and side-quests as well as killing enemies for experience points and traversing vast open areas of the game world. The series is well known for the incorporation of co-op mode, where up to four players could work together to progress through the game. Co-op mode returns in Borderlands 3, but players whod rather fly solo can still do that no problem.


Vault Hunters assemble

At the beginning of the game, the players choose one of four Vault Hunters, each of whom possesses different sets of upgradeable skills. These include action skills, which have various uses, from dealing with damage to protecting from it. Action skills can be augmented to become even more efficient. Unlike its prequels, Borderlands 3 includes three skill trees, different for each character, which develop various sets of abilities, including damage dealt, the strength of the defense, etc.

A mass of weapons of mass destruction

Borderlands 3 and the series itself takes the first spot in having the largest number of weapons available. These fall into usual types of pistols, revolvers, assault rifles, shotguns, sniper rifles, various launchers, etc., which are further divided by rarity. But the sheer amount of different combinations and variants of ammunition, plus the elemental effects allotted to a weapon, makes fighting in Borderlands 3 a totally unique experience. Suffice to say that the number of available tools of destruction goes into tens of millions. Wrap your head around that number, why doncha?

borderlands 3 cars

Hey, was that here before?

Borderlands 3 introduces several new mechanics to already bursting gameplay system. First of these new changes is sliding. It adds to the characters movement capabilities by giving them a chance to quickly duck behind cover when under heavy fire or easily sneak up on unsuspecting enemies. Another new mechanic is climbing. Players can now jump onto ledges and pull themselves up gaining the higher ground to rain fire on their opponents.

Several of the mechanics make their return in Borderlands 3. The buttslam move introduced in the Pre-Sequel, now under the name Groundpound, allows the player to slam into the ground and deal some serious damage to nearby opponents. Combined with climbing, it provides new ways of using the environment against adversaries.

borderlands 3 character

Story Summary

The story of Borderlands 3 picks up soon after the events presented in the series spin-off, The Tales of the Borderlands. The game features a new pair of antagonists, Troy and Tyreen Calypso. The devilish duo found out that the Vaults, mysterious strongholds guarding unbelievable treasures, exist beyond the planet Pandora. Leading their faction of the Children of the Vault, Troy and Tyreen set off to find them. Lilith, one of the Siren and former protagonist of Borderlands, recruits new Vault Hunters to stop the Calypsos from gaining the wealth of extra-Pandoran Vaults.


The critics were full of praise for this new installment of the Borderlands series. Many praises were given to the series for sticking to its guns for so long and introducing only cosmetic changes while maintaining the same core gameplay mechanics. The changes praised by critics included refined mechanics and graphics engine, new playable characters with unique skills, as well as improved movement system, with emphasis put on vertical exploration. All in all, the critics were full of anticipation for the newest member of the Borderlands family.

유저 오프라인

주문의 59 성공률 61.46%
trusted 신뢰한

Borderlands 3 | Standard Edition (PC) - Steam Key - GLOBAL

제안 ID: 10693747
판: Standard
지방: 글로벌
플랫폼: Steam
보증: 30 일
배달: 30 분
재고: 61
최소의 주문 금액 1
상품을 다운로드할 수 있습니다. 구매가 끝날 때. 계속 주문 페이지, 3-5분 이내에 제품 다운로드 아이콘을 사용할 수 있습니다.
1 = $10.11
총수: $ 1011
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유저 온라인

주문의 5303 성공률 95.43%
trusted 신뢰한

Borderlands 3 | Standard Edition (PC) - Steam Key - RU/CIS

제안 ID: 2483990
판: Standard
지방: 러시아/독립국가연합
플랫폼: Steam
보증: 30 일
배달: 순간적
재고: 50
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1 = $10.94
총수: $ 1094
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활성화는 러시아/독립국가연합 지방에서 실행할 수 있습니다

유저 온라인

주문의 5303 성공률 95.43%
trusted 신뢰한

Borderlands 3 (PC) | Standard Edition - Epic Games Key - GLOBAL

제안 ID: 2474080
판: Standard
지방: 글로벌
플랫폼: Epic Games
보증: 30 일
배달: 순간적
재고: 205
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1 = $11.41
총수: $ 1141
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유저 온라인

주문의 5303 성공률 95.43%
trusted 신뢰한

Borderlands GOTY Enhanced GOTY Enhanced Steam Key UNITED STATES

제안 ID: 2477969
판: GOTY Edition
지방: 미국
플랫폼: Steam
보증: 30 일
배달: 순간적
재고: 174
최소의 주문 금액 1
상품을 다운로드할 수 있습니다. 구매가 끝날 때. 계속 주문 페이지, 3-5분 이내에 제품 다운로드 아이콘을 사용할 수 있습니다.
1 = $12.01
총수: $ 1201
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활성화는 미국 지방에서 실행할 수 있습니다

유저 온라인

주문의 5303 성공률 95.43%
trusted 신뢰한

Borderlands 3 Standard Edition - Steam - Key SOUTH-EAST ASIA

제안 ID: 2475412
판: Standard
지방: 동남아시아
플랫폼: Steam
보증: 30 일
배달: 순간적
재고: 105
최소의 주문 금액 1
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1 = $12.01
총수: $ 1201
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활성화는 동남아시아 지방에서 실행할 수 있습니다

유저 온라인

주문의 7536 성공률 87.44%
trusted 신뢰한

Borderlands 3 (Epic)

제안 ID: 2465180
판: Standard
지방: 글로벌
플랫폼: Epic Games
보증: 30 일
배달: 순간적
재고: 32
최소의 주문 금액 1
상품을 다운로드할 수 있습니다. 구매가 끝날 때. 계속 주문 페이지, 3-5분 이내에 제품 다운로드 아이콘을 사용할 수 있습니다.
1 = $14.42
총수: $ 1442
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유저 온라인

주문의 5303 성공률 95.43%
trusted 신뢰한

Borderlands 3 (Super Deluxe Edition) - Steam - Key EUROPE

제안 ID: 10489008
판: Super Deluxe
지방: 유럽
플랫폼: Steam
보증: 30 일
배달: 순간적
재고: 10247
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1 = $19.68
총수: $ 1968
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활성화는 유럽 지방에서 실행할 수 있습니다

아직 계좌가 없습니까?

발행 날짜:Sep 13, 2019
개발자:Gearbox Software

Buy Cheap Borderlands 3 (PC) on Wyrel 

Get ready for the triumphant comeback of the iconic shooter-looter franchise as Borderlands 3 makes its explosive return! Brace yourself for an exhilarating, mayhem-filled adventure unlike anything you've experienced. With an astonishing arsenal of bazillions of guns, prepare to dive into thrilling new worlds teeming with dangerous adversaries. Take on the role of one of four brand-new characters, each with their distinct abilities and playstyles, and embark on an epic journey that will leave you on the edge of your seat.

Borderlands 3 takes the beloved series to new heights, offering fascinating features and enhancements. Immerse yourself in the unparalleled mastery of an extensive range of weapons, each with unique attributes and firepower. Discover the perfect combination of firearms that suits your preferred combat style and wreak havoc on your foes with explosive force.


Embark on New Adventures at a Bargain Price

But it's not just the weapons that make Borderlands 3 an absolute thrill. Prepare to face off against various deranged enemies, each more insane than the last. Test your skills and adapt your strategies as you encounter challenging adversaries who will stop at nothing to thwart your progress. 

Beyond its adrenaline-pumping gameplay, Borderlands 3 boasts a distinct atmosphere that sets it apart from other games. Immerse yourself in its richly crafted worlds, each with unique personalities and captivating storylines. Whether you find yourself traversing sprawling deserts or exploring treacherous urban landscapes, you'll be drawn into a vibrant, immersive universe that begs to be explored.

And here's the best part: you don't want to miss out on the chance to experience Borderlands 3 at an unbeatable value! Take advantage of this exclusive discount and secure your key to this highly anticipated game. Don't let this opportunity slip away—dive into the mayhem, embrace the chaos, and embark on an unforgettable adventure in Borderlands 3!


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