Buy Sid Meier’s Civilization VI (Nintendo) with a Discount on Wyrel


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Sid Meier's Civilization VI (Switch) (EU)

Offre ID: 2494917
Édition: Standard
RĂ©gion: Europe
Plateforme: Nintendo
Garantie: 30 jours
Livraison: Instantané
Stock: 24
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1 = $14.81
Total: $ 1481
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Expand your empire and become the most outstanding national leader in Sid Meier’s Civilization VI (Nintendo) at a low price

Date de sorie:Oct 20, 2016
DĂ©veloppeur:Aspyr (Mac, Linux)

Buy Cheap Sid Meier’s Civilization VI (Nintendo) on Wyrel

Civilization VI introduces a new level of involvement with your world, allowing you to create expansive empires that physically spread across the map. Your cities are no longer confined to a single tile but expand to encompass multiple hexes, offering endless customization options. 

As you compete against other leaders, it's up to you to strategically place your districts to gain an advantage over your opponents. With the ability to build communities, wonders, and improvements on their hexes, you can tailor your cities to suit your unique playstyle. Each section provides its own set of bonuses, from increased production to enhanced military capabilities.


Advance the Civilization of Your Very Own

To succeed in Civilization VI, it's essential to pursue research into new technologies and cultural advancements actively. Doing so allows you to access powerful bonuses that can give you an edge over your rivals. Exploring, expanding your lands, and discovering new cultures are all key ways to unlock these bonuses.

As you progress through the game, you'll need to navigate ever-changing relationships with other civilizations. From early conflicts to later alliances and negotiations, you'll always need to stay one step ahead of your opponents. Building alliances with city-states can provide crucial bonuses, and using spies to gather intel, steal resources, or even overthrow rival regimes can be a game-changing move.

In this game, there are five distinct paths to victory, each requiring a different approach. Whether you opt to build a dominant military force, become a world-renowned scientific innovator, or spread your culture's influence far and wide, everything is up to you. 

With an almost infinite array of possibilities and gameplay styles, Civilization VI offers a deeply immersive and endlessly engaging gaming experience. 


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