PSN cards allow to add some value to your virtual wallet safe and easy. You may do that without giving an information about your credit card.
PlayStation Network card is a protected code consisting of 12 marks which gives money to your accounts' virtual wallet. PSN cards allow to buy games, movies, bonuses and even songs safe and fast.
Discover the best PSN cards offers Add the PSN cards to your PSN account, the code you bought will top up PSN account with the amount you bought. Now you can play PSN games for free at any time you want whenever you use your PSN account client.
Después de comprar el producto, ve a la página "Pedidos".
Verifique su pedido, el ícono para descargar su producto estará disponible en 3-5 minutos. Haga clic en "Descargar" o "Abrir chat" para ponerse en contacto con el vendedor y obtener la clave del producto.
La cantidad mínima del pedido excede el saldo disponible del comerciante. Por favor, póngase en contacto con él más tarde o haga su pedido a un comerciante diferente.