Resident Evil 5 (Xbox)

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Resident Evil 5 Xbox Live Key XBOX ONE EUROPE

Angebot ID: 2461354
Edition: Standard
Region: Europa
Plattform: Xbox Live
Garantie: 30 days
Lieferung: Sofortig
Lagerbestand: 10
Min. Bestellbetrag 1
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1 = $15.94
Gesamt: $ 1594
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Die Aktivierung kann von Europa aus erfolgen

From the ashes of old conflicts, a new terror arises. The Umbrella Corporation and its crop of lethal viruses have been destroyed and contained. But a new, more dangerous threat has emerged. Years after surviving the events in Raccoon City, Chris Redfield has been fighting the scourge of bio-organic weapons all over the world. Now a member of the Bio-terrorism Security Assessment Alliance (B.S.A.A.), Chris is sent to Africa to investigate a biological agent that is transforming the populace into aggressive and disturbing creatures. Joined by another local BSSA agent, Sheva Alomar, the two must work together to solve the truth behind the disturbing turn of events. Featuring a revolutionary new co-op mode of gameplay, Resident Evil 5 will let players experience fear together as terror moves out of the shadows and into the light of day.

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Resident Evil 5 (Xbox One) - Xbox Live Key - ARGENTINA

Angebot ID: 10481489
Edition: Standard
Region: Argentinien
Plattform: Xbox Live
Garantie: 30 days
Lieferung: Sofortig
Lagerbestand: 13
Min. Bestellbetrag 1
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1 = $22.63
Gesamt: $ 2263
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Die Aktivierung kann von Argentinien aus erfolgen

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Release date:Sep 15, 2009

From the ashes of old conflicts, a new terror arises. The Umbrella Corporation and its crop of lethal viruses have been destroyed and contained. But a new, more dangerous threat has emerged. Years after surviving the events in Raccoon City, Chris Redfield has been fighting the scourge of bio-organic weapons all over the world. Now a member of the Bio-terrorism Security Assessment Alliance (B.S.A.A.), Chris is sent to Africa to investigate a biological agent that is transforming the populace into aggressive and disturbing creatures. Joined by another local BSSA agent, Sheva Alomar, the two must work together to solve the truth behind the disturbing turn of events. Featuring a revolutionary new co-op mode of gameplay, Resident Evil 5 will let players experience fear together as terror moves out of the shadows and into the light of day.

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