EA SPORTS FC 25 Ultimate Team


EA SPORTS FC 25 Ultimate Team

报价编号: 10719639
服务器: PC
派系: N/A
最小订单金额: 100 千 硬币
交付方式: 舒適

Comfort Trade - Having working transfer market in your web application is MANDATORY. After the purchase you provide us with your Origin credentials (Origin email, Origin password, Origin backup codes) and after that we provide a top-up for your account.

, 球員拍賣

Player Auction - coins are provided through auction. We inform you how to put the player(s) on the transfer market and after that we buy him/them out. This way coins are credited to your account.

交货时间: 离线时间 2
840 千 硬币可用的
1千 硬币 = $0.0343
千 硬币
总计: $ 343

EA SPORTS FC 25 Ultimate Team

报价编号: 10719640
服务器: PC
派系: N/A
最小订单金额: 100 千 硬币
交付方式: 舒適

Comfort Trade - Having working transfer market in your web application is MANDATORY. After the purchase you provide us with your Origin credentials (Origin email, Origin password, Origin backup codes) and after that we provide a top-up for your account.

, 球員拍賣

Player Auction - coins are provided through auction. We inform you how to put the player(s) on the transfer market and after that we buy him/them out. This way coins are credited to your account.

交货时间: 离线时间 2
840 千 硬币可用的
1千 硬币 = $0.0357
千 硬币
总计: $ 357

EA SPORTS FC 25 Ultimate Team

报价编号: 10719635
服务器: PS
派系: N/A
最小订单金额: 100 千 硬币
交付方式: 舒適

Comfort Trade - Having working transfer market in your web application is MANDATORY. After the purchase you provide us with your Origin credentials (Origin email, Origin password, Origin backup codes) and after that we provide a top-up for your account.

, 球員拍賣

Player Auction - coins are provided through auction. We inform you how to put the player(s) on the transfer market and after that we buy him/them out. This way coins are credited to your account.

交货时间: 离线时间 2
150 千 硬币可用的
1千 硬币 = $0.0372
千 硬币
总计: $ 372

EA SPORTS FC 25 Ultimate Team

报价编号: 10719637
服务器: Xbox
派系: N/A
最小订单金额: 100 千 硬币
交付方式: 舒適

Comfort Trade - Having working transfer market in your web application is MANDATORY. After the purchase you provide us with your Origin credentials (Origin email, Origin password, Origin backup codes) and after that we provide a top-up for your account.

, 球員拍賣

Player Auction - coins are provided through auction. We inform you how to put the player(s) on the transfer market and after that we buy him/them out. This way coins are credited to your account.

交货时间: 离线时间 2
150 千 硬币可用的
1千 硬币 = $0.0372
千 硬币
总计: $ 372

EA SPORTS FC 25 Ultimate Team

报价编号: 10719636
服务器: PS
派系: N/A
最小订单金额: 100 千 硬币
交付方式: 舒適

Comfort Trade - Having working transfer market in your web application is MANDATORY. After the purchase you provide us with your Origin credentials (Origin email, Origin password, Origin backup codes) and after that we provide a top-up for your account.

, 球員拍賣

Player Auction - coins are provided through auction. We inform you how to put the player(s) on the transfer market and after that we buy him/them out. This way coins are credited to your account.

交货时间: 离线时间 2
150 千 硬币可用的
1千 硬币 = $0.0386
千 硬币
总计: $ 386

EA SPORTS FC 25 Ultimate Team

报价编号: 10719638
服务器: Xbox
派系: N/A
最小订单金额: 100 千 硬币
交付方式: 舒適

Comfort Trade - Having working transfer market in your web application is MANDATORY. After the purchase you provide us with your Origin credentials (Origin email, Origin password, Origin backup codes) and after that we provide a top-up for your account.

, 球員拍賣

Player Auction - coins are provided through auction. We inform you how to put the player(s) on the transfer market and after that we buy him/them out. This way coins are credited to your account.

交货时间: 离线时间 2
150 千 硬币可用的
1千 硬币 = $0.0386
千 硬币
总计: $ 386

游戏:EA SPORTS FC 25 Ultimate Team
游戏币 :硬币
开发商 :EA Vancouver, EA Romania
发行商:Electronic Arts

掌控赛场:在FC 25 Ultimate Team中用Coins打造你的终极王朝

观众的欢呼声,点球大战的紧张气氛,胜利的甜美滋味——EA SPORTS FC 25 Ultimate Team将足球无与伦比的激情带到了你的指尖。但是,要打造一个传奇球员的球队,能够征服任何对手并将你的名字永载FUT历史,不仅仅需要花哨的脚法和战术知识。这需要大量的FC 25 Coins,这些是推动每次转会、每次升级、每一步通向Ultimate Team主宰的生命之源。想象一下:你走进FUT转会市场,不是作为一个资源有限的看好经理,而是作为一个足球大亨,你的金库里满是Coins。世界上最闪亮的明星——Mbappé、Haaland、Pedri——都在你的掌握之中。你带着心知肚明的微笑浏览市场,那曾令人生畏的价格标签现在相比你账户中回荡的财富交响曲不过是耳语。打造你的梦幻球队不再是遥不可及的愿望;它是一个触手可及的现实,准备在赛场上释放。想象这一幕:当你进入虚拟草坪参加欧冠决赛时,氛围充满期待。你精心打造的Ultimate Team,通过最新的Chemistry Styles和游戏改变者升级强化,所有这些都是通过你战略性积累的FC 25 Coins获得的,准备好征服。每一次传球都是一件艺术品,每一次射门都是雷鸣般的打击,每一次抢断都是无与伦比的统治声明。你的对手,被压倒和击败,只能目瞪口呆地看着你举起梦寐以求的奖杯,将你自己确立为FUT传奇。这就是FC 25 Coins的力量——将你的Ultimate Team从一个有前途的前景转变为不可阻挡的王朝的力量。


拥有大量的FC 25 Coins在你的掌控下,你可以:

  • 组建一个图标球队,这支队伍不仅仅是才华横溢,而是体现了足坛的完美。招揽全球最伟大的现役和曾经的球员,并锻造出一种如此强大的协同作用,以至于重新定义团队合作的真正含义。借助Coins,你的Ultimate Team成为你战术天才的画布,一幅战略才华的杰作。
  • 从繁琐的比赛中解放出来,体验纯粹竞争的电力刺激。不再为微薄的奖励而打无限的比赛,不再为每一分Coins的花费而苦苦计算。在财富作为你的盟友时,你可以专注于真正重要的事情:掌握虚拟足球的艺术,将你的对手远远甩在身后。
  • 将你的名字刻入FUT历史,被全球玩家敬仰地低声颂扬。登上排行榜,征服FUT 25提出的每一个挑战,将自己确立为虚拟赛场的真正图标。你的传奇,由Coins的力量推动,将激励并激发世世代代的敬畏与钦佩。

EA SPORTS FC 25 Ultimate Team不仅仅是一个游戏模式;它是一个锤炼战术才华和战略掌控的熔炉。但是即使是最有天赋的经理也需要资源来实现他们的全部潜能。拥抱FC 25 Coins的力量,释放你Ultimate Team真正的力量。通向FUT不朽的道路等待着你。