Paradox Soul (PC)


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Paradox Soul (PC) ✔Global✔ Steam

报价 ID: 10507299
版本: Standard
区域: 全球的
平台: Steam
保修: 180 天
交付: 立即
现存: 1
最小订单金额 1
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1 = $1.07
总计: $ 107
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代码: KHA
折扣: -5%




If you love Retro 2D games , this one is For you , Don't forget to use Discount Code “ KHA ” for 5%


Paradox Soul is a 2D explorative action-shooter hybrid. You play Dr Alli Rose, a research scientist who stumbles across a peculiar test facility, determined to unravel the mystery and take on whatever evil is in her path. Shoot, cover and dash your way through this nightmarish Metroidvania game!


发布日期:Feb 9, 2018
开发商 :Ritual Games

Paradox Soulis a 2D explorative action-shooter hybrid. You play Dr Alli Rose, a research scientist who stumbles across a peculiar test facility, determined to unravel the mystery and take on whatever evil is in her path. Shoot, cover and dash your way through this nightmarish Metroidvania game!

Key Features

Retro pixel art and animation

Terrifyingly epic boss fights

Unique suit abilities for combat and navigation

Cool weaponry upgrades to discover

Hand-crafted labyrinth of evil

Secrets to unravel

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