Field of Glory II Age of Belisarius (DLC)


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销售的 7696 成功率 87.59%
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Field of Glory II - Age of Belisarius (DLC)

报价 ID: 2751684
版本: Standard
区域: 全球的
平台: Steam
保修: 30 天
交付: 立即
现存: 9
最小订单金额 1
您的商品將可供下載 在購買結束時。 계속 訂單頁面, 用於下載您的產品的圖標將在 3-5 分鐘內變為可用。
1 = $2.31
总计: $ 231


用户 离线

销售的 633 成功率 90.82%

Field of Glory II: Age of Belisarius Steam Key GLOBAL

报价 ID: 6246897
版本: Standard
区域: 全球的
平台: Steam
保修: 30 天
交付: 立即
现存: 28
最小订单金额 1
您的商品將可供下載 在購買結束時。 계속 訂單頁面, 用於下載您的產品的圖標將在 3-5 分鐘內變為可用。
1 = $5.35
总计: $ 535


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Age of Belisarius expands Field of Glory II forwards from the fall of the Western Roman Empire in 476 AD to 600 AD, a period when the Eastern Roman (Byzantine) army transformed itself from a mainly infantry force to a cavalry army in response to the threats it faced.

You can be part of the flowering of the new “barbarian” kingdoms that replaced the Roman Empire in the west, and the conflict between them. You can play a major role in the resurgence of the Eastern Roman (Byzantine) Empire and the reconquest by the Emperor Justinian I’s generals, especially Belisarius and later Narses, of the Vandal kingdom of Africa, the Ostrogothic kingdom of Italy and part of the Visigothic kingdom of Spain.

You can take part in the almost continuous warfare between the Byzantines and the Sassanid Persians in the East, and the Sassanids’ own troubles with their eastern neighbours, the Hephthalites and the Göktürks. You can lead the Avars to conquer a mighty empire north of the Danube, and to threaten the very existence of the Byzantine Empire – or you can defend against them.

用户 离线

销售的 759 成功率 75.45%

Field of Glory II: Age of Belisarius

报价 ID: 10565974
版本: Standard
平台: Steam
保修: 30 天
交付: 立即
现存: 50
最小订单金额 1
您的商品將可供下載 在購買結束時。 계속 訂單頁面, 用於下載您的產品的圖標將在 3-5 分鐘內變為可用。
1 = $11.43
总计: $ 1143

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