Command & Conquer Remastered Collection (PC)


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销售的 7672 成功率 87.58%
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Command & Conquer Remastered Collection (Origin)

报价 ID: 2481091
版本: Standard
区域: 全球的
平台: Electronic arts
保修: 30 天
交付: 立即
现存: 50
最小订单金额 1
您的商品將可供下載 在購買結束時。 계속 訂單頁面, 用於下載您的產品的圖標將在 3-5 分鐘內變為可用。
1 = $6.43
总计: $ 643


用户 离线

销售的 123 成功率 75.93%
trusted 受信任

Command & Conquer Remastered Collection (PC) - Origin Key - GLOBAL

报价 ID: 10691271
版本: Standard
区域: 全球的
平台: Electronic arts
保修: 30 天
交付: 30 分钟
现存: 325
最小订单金额 1
您的商品將可供下載 在購買結束時。 계속 訂單頁面, 用於下載您的產品的圖標將在 3-5 分鐘內變為可用。
1 = $7.04
总计: $ 704


用户 离线

销售的 123 成功率 75.93%
trusted 受信任

Command & Conquer Remastered Collection (PC) - Origin Key - GLOBAL (RU/PL/EN)

报价 ID: 10715926
版本: Standard
区域: 波兰语 / 俄语 / 英语
平台: Electronic arts
保修: 30 天
交付: 30 分钟
现存: 50
最小订单金额 1
您的商品將可供下載 在購買結束時。 계속 訂單頁面, 用於下載您的產品的圖標將在 3-5 分鐘內變為可用。
1 = $9.31
总计: $ 931

可以从该区域进行激活 波兰语 / 俄语 / 英语

用户 在线

销售的 7672 成功率 87.58%
trusted 受信任

Command & Conquer Remastered Collection (Steam)

报价 ID: 2481092
版本: Standard
区域: 全球的
平台: Steam
保修: 30 天
交付: 立即
现存: 83
最小订单金额 1
您的商品將可供下載 在購買結束時。 계속 訂單頁面, 用於下載您的產品的圖標將在 3-5 分鐘內變為可用。
1 = $14.66
总计: $ 1466


用户 离线

销售的 123 成功率 75.93%
trusted 受信任

Command & Conquer Remastered Collection (PC) - Steam Key - GLOBAL

报价 ID: 10690938
版本: Standard
区域: 全球的
平台: Steam
保修: 30 天
交付: 30 分钟
现存: 18
最小订单金额 1
您的商品將可供下載 在購買結束時。 계속 訂單頁面, 用於下載您的產品的圖標將在 3-5 分鐘內變為可用。
1 = $15.50
总计: $ 1550



发布日期:Jun 5, 2020
发行商:Electronic Arts
开发商 :Petroglyph, Lemon Sky Studios

Buy Cheap Command & Conquer Remastered Collection (PC) on Wyrel

Prepare to relive the glory of a gaming legend as Command & Conquer returns, fully remastered and tailored for modern players. This iconic title is not just a game; it's a defining cornerstone of the real-time strategy genre. It's been reborn for a new era, promising an experience that will captivate both longtime fans and newcomers alike.

This edition includes all expansion packs, a reimagined multiplayer mode, a modernized design, a map editor for those eager to create their battlefields, and an exclusive bonus gallery, giving players a glimpse into the game's rich history.


Reignite the Classic at a Bargain Price

One of the standout features is the ability to switch seamlessly between the original legacy graphics and the stunningly remastered visuals during solo play. Fully revamped gameplay ensures that the classic game remains as thrilling and captivating as ever. It's an opportunity to witness the roots of real-time strategy gaming and experience a defining piece of gaming history for yourself.

You can acquire this fantastic game at a bargain price on the Wyrel marketplace. We're dedicated to providing gamers with unbeatable deals, making it easy to dive into the world of Command & Conquer Remastered. 


Wyrel: Your Passport to Digital Bliss

Welcome to digital bliss with Wyrel, your passport to a world of possibilities. Whether you're a gamer or seeking versatile software, our platform offers it all at affordable prices. With 24/7 support and a rewarding loyalty program, your worries are a thing of the past. Secure transactions and a range of payment options ensure a hassle-free experience. 

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